Dunamys Series, Book 1

The Morant family, from the small town of Wharton Port, LA,  takes a trip to a park outside of the city to test the kids’ new telescope. But before the siblings, Will and Jen, get a chance to try it, an object from outer space falls into the ground not far from where they are. They find that the crashed object is a spaceship. When the meet the pilot, he entrusts them with an important message: “The Earth will be destroyed soon. And the only way to escape is on the spaceship.”

Soon after, a secret government agency put in place a huge coverup to keep people from knowing the truth about the spaceship while they search for the pilot who has become part of the small town community.

Now in high school the siblings and their friends, meet a friendly worker at the Vintage Proverb Cafe, Joshua who they suspect is the pilot of the ship they meet years earlier,  and also becomes their confidant. 

As Will start pursuing his dream to become an airforce pilot  the secret gets out, forcing  the people in town to make a choice: ignore the message and stay behind or depart on the spaceship to an unknown destination.  Meanwhile Will and Jen are torn between, convince their loved ones to escape in the spaceship, run from the agents and deal with their respective crushes David & Elizabeth.